Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Spring Break!

I wasn't planning anything special, just a trip to the cape to see a friend. My intention was to post a few reviews on Trip Advisor and link them to my blog, but my gallbladder had other plans. Since January, I have been awakened in the middle of night with excruciating pain in my abdomen and back. After an ultrasound and a second opinion from a gastroenterologist, it was clear I needed surgery. The original plan was to have the surgery the week of spring break, however the surgeon decided it was best to get it done ASAP, so I went into the hospital on Friday morning before spring break started. There were complications, so I had to spend the night.  Trip Advisor doesn't have a section where one can review a hospital stay, so you get the exclusive here!

Miriam hospital provided me with outstanding medical attention during my recent gallbladder surgery. Upon arriving at the hospital, I was warmly greeted by an intake specialist who confirmed my information and checked me into the hospital. Upstairs I was greeted by two very friendly ladies who went over a few more basics in preparation for my procedure.  I was led into the pre op area and greeted by my nurse. I was given a stylish plastic bag to place my belongings in, and a Johnny to wear in a festive blue green color, that matched the curtain surrounding my gurney. My surgeon appeared with his surgical team to go over the specifics. The anesthesiologist did the same a few minutes later. I was wheeled into the operating room on a very comfortable hospital gurney.  I was overwhelmed by the dizzying array of medical equipment and the cleanliness of the room. I was given a sedative and have no further recollection of the procedure itself. 

I awoke in the post op area groggy, and disoriented a few hours later. The surgeon appeared to tell me that I would need to spend the night, as they wanted to monitor me as a precaution. I was wheeled into a room that was spacious, and well lit by two very friendly staff members. (I hope I remembered to leave them a tip).  The bed was adjustable and very comfortable; I was able to doze off quickly.  What a surprise- I was given dinner in bed! They had prepared a roast beef that was succulent and juicy, cooked to a medium temperature. It was served with vegetables and orange jello. I guess the chef has a sense of humor. I shared a room with a man who was also recuperating from surgery. He was equally impressed with the care received at Miriam hospital. I was able to get good nights sleep, with minimal discomfort from pain and swelling related to the operation.

Breakfast in bed! Nice touch, although the eggs tasted like tofu scramble, not something I care for. More kitsch from the kitchen in the form of Cream of Wheat, which was served with an appalling butter spread containing hydrogenated fats. Breakfast aside, it was a pleasant stay. I was relived to learn from the surgeon that all was well, and I could go home. The bathroom was a bit spartan, but I was given a selection of toiletries in case I forgotten to bring anything. Over all, my stay at Miriam hospital was pleasant. I would return should the need arrive, and recommend them to anyone seeking medical care.   


  1. I've had a (similarly brief) stay in Miriam and would concur -- they do more than most hospitals to make patients feel comfortable, and there is a general feeling of attentiveness and professionalism. I actually recall their giving me a brochure, which seemed odd since I wasn't exactly planning on any kind of extended or future stay! I've taken family members there as well and have always had a positive experience ...

  2. I just checked and indeed there are reviews of Miriam Hospital on Yelp -- mostly good ones, too!

  3. I'm glad to hear your stay was well and I hope you feel better. I was going to say that I think you can post about Miriam Hospital on Yelp, but I see our professor has already beat me to it. I think one of the most important things when you go into a hospital is that you feel welcome and important even if you are only there for a short time. If you feel comfortable then you are more likely to return and get good services.

    1. Thanks!
      I saw the reviews for Miriam. I thought my silly review would be the only place to do such a thing.
